Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vietnam the Beautiful

Dear friends,
Since I have so many photos to share with you from my Vietnam trip, I decided to create a separate blog called "Vietnam the Beautiful" for your viewing pleasure. You can view it by clicking here or by clicking on the link up above.

Got up at 4:30 to go play badminton with my cousin today. DaLat has such a romantic setting. You can see mist and fog rolling past hills and mountains each morning before the sun rises.

Interestingly enough, I took this and the above picture only about 30 seconds apart yet look how differently they look: one with the fog and one without as much fog. Also, if you look close enough, you can see green houses where flowers are grown. DaLat is known for their fields and fields of flowers.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Wishing Tree

Today we went to another park called "Doi Mong Mo". There is a wishing tree (like the ones in Korean drama). You can purchase 2 pieces of cloth: 1 red and 1 pink. Red is for fortune and pink is for love.  It is believe that if you secretly wish for it, your wishes will come true.  If I was here 5 years ago, I might have wished for a handsome prince but I guess it's too late for that now. LOL..

Sorry Loan, I had to post this because it is way too funny. 

We got to experience massage fishes today too. These tiny fishes massage and eat away the dead skin on your feet, leaving them feeling super clean and light. At first touch, it was so ticklish and surprising, I screamed so loud! I nearly scared my cousin to death. It is an accustomed feeling though because we end up staying in here for about 45 minutes or so. =)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hello from Vietnam- Day 1-4

Hi there,

I finally got internet access so I want to update you with some lovely photos of Vietnam. I left the U.S. at 10:30 Sunday morning and arrived in Saigon at 2:30AM Tuesday morning. I spent most of the 11.5 hour flight from San Fran to Tokyo listening to music, watching movies and sleeping. The music and movie selection was very impressive (and free). Surprisngly the 29 hours commute passed by very quickly. The worst part was running from one terminal to another, almost missing my flights couple times because the plane landed a little later than expected. The best part is that I was very, very well fed (with 5 meals during the interval).

After arriving in Saigon, my Mom, Aunt and I took an overnight bus ride for DaLat. DaLat is where I used to live before I immigrate to the U.S. in 1994. After arriving at 12:30, we went to the market to buy fabrics to make pants for Henry and me. Vietnam is known for custom-made clothing at affordable prices.

In the evening, I got to help my Aunt and Uncle with harvesting flowers to sell for the upcoming Buddhist holiday. Most of my relatives are flower growers. It is amazing how much flowers they have in each greenhouse and how much effort they put into planning, raising and harvesting these flowers.

The Three Generations are finally together at the same spot: Mom, Me and my 87 year-old Grandma

Today, we went around DaLat to 2 different flower gardens, the Valley of Love, a waterfall and a Buddhist monastery. I'm so tired now. I feel like my legs will fall off soon. I'm off to bed. I will update more later!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chicago in May

This past weekend was my sister's birthday. We had this crazy idea a couple of months ago that we should go somewhere for her birthday since I have a lot of flyer miles saved up. She lives in Florida and I live in California so Chicago seems like a reasonable mid-point. Plus, the Windy City has a lot of cool buildings which is the perfect location since my sister is studying architecture in college. We arrived Thursday afternoon and left late Sunday afternoon. Within that 4 days, we fell in love with this beautiful city.

Read more about your adventures here.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tour de Cure weekend in Napa

This weekend we went Napa to volunteer in the Tour de Cure to benefit diabetes. Henry rode 60 miles while the in-laws and I helped out at the Verizon rest stop. Henry's sister works for Verizon so she got us involved. I'm grateful to do some volunteer work. I used to volunteer a lot in college but haven't lately.

One of the best thing of course, is getting to see my nieces, Kate and Kristin. Kate is 7 and Kristin is 10. I can't believe how fast they are growing. Kristin is up to my eyebrow now. In a couple years, she's going to be taller than me. Oy! (LOL) It is always lovely to see them because we get to do amazing things like this. 

Click here to see more pictures. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Henry is riding in Tour de Cure this weekend in Napa so I will be out there Sunday.
I am hoping to bring back some goodies to share with you next week. 

Until then, have a fun-filled weekend.
Go have a picnic in the park since the weather is so nice!