Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oh, Sweet Love: Maribel & Everardo

Mari was the one who gave me the idea to start TwoTwenty Photos.  We talked about my photography interest for so long so she told me why don't I pursue it? Mari & Eve are the first couple I shot. I don't have an official post or album of them yet. I am home sick today and got some chance to work on their pictures, finally.

Maribel and Eve got married a year before Henry and I did. This past June 11th marked their 2nd wedding anniversary. The funny thing about Mari & Eve is that Mari's personality is exactly like my husband's and Eve is exactly like mine. We met up at 7:30AM to take these photos. Maribel was so pretty that day. She was beaming the whole morning!!!!

I'm in love with all things flowers. We were lucky to find these tea roses all in bloom at a local park so we were able to get some amazing photos in. =)

Happy 2 years anniversary. May you guys be blessed with many more!!!

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